Hello Universe

Season 5- Here We Go!!!!

Episode Summary

We’re starting season 5 (?!?!) of Hello Universe on Wednesday October 23rd πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ We are so excited to continue on our adventures of spiritual exploration with all of you. Let’s get even weirder 😍😍😍 And we have a special announcement!! Kyley and Eva are inviting you to their first ever joint group course! Listen for details 😍😍

Episode Transcription

Eva: [00:00:00] Everyone, it's Eva.

Kyley: And it's Kylie.Β 

Eva: Welcome to the trailer for season five, bitches.

Kyley: my God. We're so excited to be back. Almost.

Eva: Season five, y'all. Season five. That's a big deal. Does that mean we've been doing this for five years?

Kyley: Ish. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we have.

Eva: Five years of our own spiritual journey and also five years of our beautiful friendship that we've been able to share with this awesome community. How amazing is that?

Kyley: And I love baby Eva and baby Kylie. They made something really great.

Eva: [00:01:00] Yes, we've come a long way and I'm so excited and, um, grateful to start this new season of exploration with you and with everybody here. And we have some fun announcements

Kyley: Yes. Okay. Season five. We've been recording all summer. It's So good. First of all, Eva spills the tea on her hot new romance. So need I say more? Everyone's already been smashing the subscribe button.

Eva: to be clear that it's a new romance that's been going on for a year that I've kept kept under wraps. So this is going to be the big reveal, which I can't wait to share with all of you.

Kyley: It's true. Not actually new. Although, uh, you know, Devin's married 20 years. So a year is like,

Eva: Yes, that's true.

Kyley: um, And I, and I am so excited because now we get to talk about just this really rich, beautiful. wonderful part of your life that's happening. Also, my kids are in school now, so I'm like a liberated woman with space to, like, actually do [00:02:00] all of the creative projects that are normally exploding in my brain, like, uh, you know, a thousand stars.

Kyley: Um, and we're gonna do our thing where we dive into the esoteric and then make it practical.

Eva: Yes, doing what we do best really like the exploration of the mystical and all the essential questions that we face in our own lives that we also get to help other people with. It's what we do best. Mm hmm.

Kyley: And drum roll, please.

Eva: da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da. Ka ching! Oh, wait, I didn't hear what you said.

Eva: I was just too, too busy doing the drum roll.

Kyley: All right, Jennifer, can you edit this? We'll do that. I feel like I've been talking a lot. I want, I want you to, you know, okay. Uh, Jennifer, if you could edit that and drum roll, please. The next big announcement.

Eva: next big announcement is Kylie and I, after five years, are finally doing our first joint course together, which is [00:03:00] called the Four Pillars of a Magical Life. And I mean, this has been a long time in the making. I mean, if you listen to the show, you know that Kylie and I have some serious magic. We have such a wonderful rapport.

Eva: And so many of you have written To us about the show, about how much it's been helpful for you guys. And it's just, the time has finally arrived. We've been wanting to do something together for a really long time. And I think it's, if you listen to the show, you're going to love the course, like the culmination, so much of what we talk about on the show, actually.

Eva: We get to do that in community with you all now.

Kyley: And 1 of the things that people ask us a lot. Well, two things. One, people are always saying, I feel like I'm in the room with you and I have to pause and talk out loud. So now you'll be in the room with us. So that will be amazing. You won't have to hit pause. We can hear you real time. And, um, one of the things we hear all the time are questions around, how do I live this?

Kyley: Right? I read the books or I listen to the [00:04:00] podcasts or, you know, I connect in moments here and there, but how do I let this Deeper, kind of more peaceful, spiritual way of moving through the world. Just be my experience in the world. We'll stop. Um,

Eva: Be like a really lived experience, a fully lived experience. It's not conceptual, conceptual, but like in your everyday life, in your body, um, like amidst all the busyness and craziness and the kids and the jobs and the relationships and the travel and, and whatever. It's like, this is what Kylie and I do best.

Eva: This is our medicine. We take the profound and we make it. Really practical and accessible. I think in a, on a moment by moment basis, that's something we're really proud of.

Kyley: Yeah, and we do it because we do it to survive. We want, and we want the same for you. And, you know, based on your questions, we know these are the things you're trying to figure out too. So get fucking pumped for [00:05:00] season five. Share it with your friends. Get ready to sign up for Four Pillars of a Magical Life.

Kyley: And we will see you in just a few weeks. Mid October, season five will be ready for y'all. Bye.

Eva: We love you and cannot wait to share space with you. Bye.